David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> > If the sim is running, wouldn't you be competing with the FDM?
> > Wouldn't it be cleaner to keep a separate area for initial conditions
> > so you can specify them at your leisure, and then "commit" when you
> > are ready?  Otherwise if we are writing into the main property tree,
> > it seems like we would have to halt the FDM first.
> I think that we can do that more cleanly by allowing operation on a second 
> property tree.  Here's what I'm suggesting:
> 1. Set up the initial property tree (from preferences, the command line, 
>        etc.) before running any cycles.
> 2. Make a deep copy of that tree that can be restored.

How about to disk?  What I'm leading up to is suggesting something like
"./fgfs --restore" which would automatically startup with the latest saved
configuration.  This is consistant with prefered gui application behavior that
automatically returns to the previous state on subsequent accesses.

Both MSFS and FlyII basically do the equivelant of a "deep copy" to disk and
then automatically restore those settings on subsequent runs of the program. 
Any configuration settings that are changed during execution are added to the
on disk copy.

> > Personally, I'm not sure how hard I want to work on a perfect "reset"
> > function.  Do you also restore time of day, weather conditions,
> > clouds, control surface positions, switch positions, radio
> > frequencies, AI traffic, etc. etc.?
> With a reset, yes: you should end up with exactly what you started with.
> > Where do you draw the line?
> > There is a very high likelihood that there will be times that people
> > will want to reset position, but not time and weather and other
> > various things.
> We can provide commands for partial copies from the backup tree -- in that 
> case, it is simply a matter of a few bytes of XML glue (menu, keyboard, 
> etc.) for each kind of reset.

Work has overtaken my spare time temporarily,  but I've been recently thinking
about trying to make FDM switcheroos work.  What you've been describing here
would probably help toward that.

FWIW I'm not that crazy about switching aircraft mid flight, but I suppose it
could be done easily enough.  Anyone for a piper cub going 270kias @ 40000ft?
 Or how about the 1903 flyer? :-)



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