* Martin Spott -- Tuesday 06 June 2006 15:26:
> Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> > I noticed that I don't/didn't have commit permission for that module. 

> Why don't you say a single word ? People are standing on your feet to
> get their patches committed to main CVS, why don't you simply play the
> same game ?  ;-)

*Because* people are "standing on my feet" already, and it's not my
style to beg for yet more work. And being trusted to work on code, but
not on documentation isn't exactly a motivation either. I better stick
with coding then. (Hey, I didn't ask for commit permissions to 
fgfs/sg/base, either.)

Of course, people aren't really "standing on my feet". I'm not the 
least annoyed by what people send me for submission. Thankfully, it's
mostly easy stuff. (I would hate to get bogus patches for subsystems
that I'm not familiar with. Well, I would just reject them.  :-)


You don't seem to understand what being a maintainer means.
It means saying no to crap.  -- Linus TORVALDS

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