On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Curtis Olson <curtol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Syd,
> That was a hack from the very early days of the project, so if it went away,
> it wouldn't bother me.  Fred might have a check box in the window launcher,
> and there may be a command line option or property value to hunt down and
> remove.
> Curt

Thanks , Curt.
Actually I'd prefer the auto-coordination property to remain , and the
options to enable it too , just that it be handled in an autopilot
file rather than hard-coded.
I've added a sort of auto coordination to the R22  below a certain
airspeed, otherwise I cant get it off the ground no matter how fast I
tap those rudder keys , and enabling auto-coordination would be a
easier in these situations, i think.
At least for those of us without rudder pedals.
It would mean more work for aircraft designers , but a simple filter
should easily do what the code does.

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