> Every fgdata contributor who creates complicated xml/shader files should  
> be able to understand basic git workflow as well...

I'm not sure if you really mean every contributor, or every contributor with 
commit rights to FGData. In the second case I'd agree with you, but in case 
it's the first:

I don't think GIT is particularly simple, nor have I found a good 
documentation. The basic tutorials / references which are human-readable are 
nice, but then all sorts of problems not covered in the tutorial crop up in 
reality. For instance, for some reason I can't push updates to my devel branch 
to my repo clone because of some timestamp issue, but remotely deleting and 
pushing new works fine. A rebase where the file a patch applies to has been 
deleted on master is a really good puzzle. And so on.  On the other hand, the 
advanced manuals which would presumably treat these problems get into 
specialized nomenclature like alternative histories, octopus merging and what 
not and I can't find any understandable answers there.

So in order to understand it on the level you seem to be expecting, I would 
really need to reserve a week and work through a long GIT reference book. 

Now, I'm certainly intellectually capable of doing so, it just doesn't make any 
sense to me. I can spend time only once, so I can either read 400 pages of 
real-time 3d rendering techniques and GLSL (which I find interesting and helps 
me to do what I want) or GIT (which I find boring and doesn't help me develop 
what I want). It's a no-brainer what I do.

It's called specialization. In the physics department we work in, we have for 
instance administrative secretaries. So, whenever I spend money from my 
research grant, I don't know all the accounting codes for the various items, 
nor the procedures, they do. Of course the system could in theory be set up 
such as to require 60 physicists to learn accounting procedures and follow all 
the accounting rule changes, but it's been generally acknowledged that it's 
more efficient if the 4 secretaries do so, and the physicists focus on their 

Of course, you can be of the opionion 'Hey, if you want to contribute here, we 
require you to learn 'proper' GIT procedures' (whatever 'proper' is...). To 
which an alternative scenario would be 'If you want my contribution on your GIT 
server, you make it easy for me to get it there and don't make my jump through 
10 hoops.'

I think asking every contributor to properly work through a GIT manual before 
he can contribute is about as useful as to ask every contributor to learn the 
effects and GLSL framework before he can contribute anything - you're just 
reducing the  not so large to begin with pool of contributors. In case of Nasal 
or shader problems, I usually try to step up and help with a fix if I can, 
because that's my speciality, I don't argue that everyone must know all Nasal 
tricks before he can contribute. I would hope that in case of GIT trouble, the 
GIT specialists step up.

* Thorsten
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