Thanks Thorsten for your clear words,
yes, it sucks to see people messing up the history, merging local branches 
and then pushing them to gitorious. I personally see another problem in the 
way changes that are merged appear in the history: The merge date is there, 
but the commits associated to it can be hidden somewhere down in the 
history. This is a very bad state when it comes to bughunting (bisecting).

Every fgdata contributor who creates complicated xml/shader files should be 
able to understand basic git workflow as well...


ThorstenB wrote:

> On 21 Sep 2012, at 13:03, Anders Gidenstam wrote:
>> The master branch of fgdata has become messed up. A number of commits
>> have become duplicated and some undone (they exist in the history but
>> their effect is gone from HEAD).
> It has happened again, fgdata history is messed up. It looks as if my
> last commits (6d46fe7, f722671) were applied to fgdata multiple times
> now (duplicates are 818b92f and e7452f7). With gitk itself, I can't even
> see how where these originated (looks as if I had pushed them multiple
> times). Only the history shows that these were indeed not
> pushed by me:
> Can we please make it a requirement that _local_ merge operations must
> not become visible on our public repository, so _everyone_ has to
> "rebase" before pushing anything?
> The only merge/branch operations that should be visible in our public
> repo should be those that affect public branches (release branch
> creation/merges etc).
> There's really no reason why other people should see that user XYZ has
> merged his local branch 1-15 times with gitorious, before pushing back.
> It only results in the git history becoming unreadable. And apparently
> it results in more issues.
> If you compare simgear's or flightgear's history with fgdata's history,
> you'll see how nice and readable a git history can be - since obviously
> (almost) everyone pushing to sg/fg knows hows how to rebase.
> Resolving merge operations locally, to reorder and cleanup the history
> is really simple - and only requires a few seconds. If you have
> uncommited changes in your local directory, you can temporarily stash
> them - so that "rebase" won't complain.
> For fgdata:
> git stash
> git rebase origin/master
> git stash pop
> (And for simgear/flightgear:
> git stash
> git rebase origin/next
> git stash pop
> )
> It is also a good idea to check the git history (gitk) before pushing to
> gitorious: you can read and double check your own changes a final time -
> and also check the history for local merge or funny duplication issues.
> If you're having local Git trouble (like duplications), *please* ask
> before pushing to gitorious.
> cheers,
> Thorsten
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