Consider offloading some of your creativity burden onto your computer. The
idea is:

  It's easier to recognize and refine something interesting than to create

So turn it into a search, recognition, and refinement problem, and automate
creation. There are various techniques, which certainly can be combined:

* constraint programming
* generative grammar programming
* genetic programming
* seeded fractals

You might be surprised about how much of a world can be easily written with
code rather than mapping. A map can be simplified by marking regions up
with code and using libraries of procedures. Code can sometimes be
simplified by having it read a simple map or image.

Remember, the basic role of programming is to automate that which bores you.



On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 4:18 PM, BGB <> wrote:

> I am generally personally stuck on the issue of how to make "interesting"
> 3D worlds for a game-style project while lacking in both personal
> creativity and either artistic skill or a team of artists to do it
> (creating decent-looking 3D worlds generally requires a fair amount of
> effort, and is in-fact I suspect somewhat bigger than the effort required
> to make a "passable" 3D model of an object in a 3D modeling app, since at
> least generally the model is smaller and well-defined).
> it seems some that creativity (or what little of it exists) is stifled by
> it requiring a large amount of effort (all at once) for the activity needed
> to express said creativity (vs things which are either easy to do all at
> once, or can be easily decomposed into lots of incremental activities
> spread over a large period of time).
> trying to build a non-trivial scene (something which would be "passable"
> in a modern 3D game) at the level of dragging around and
> placing/resizing/... cubes and/or messing with individual polygon-faces in
> a mapper-tool is sort of a motivation killer (one can wish for some sort of
> "higher level" way to express the scene).
> meanwhile, writing code, despite (in the grand scale) requiring far more
> time and effort, seems to be a lot more enjoyable (but, one can't really
> build a world in code, as this is more the mapper-tool's domain).
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