
I tried and compiled the Delphi version.

Only issue Delphi XE7 ran into was DirectorySeparator.

TPath.DirectorySeparator did not seem to work.

So I replaced it lazy with '\' for now to see if it would compile.

It does compile and run.

However there is some problem with the examples as far as I can tell.

When loading micro.mpr there is a file format error stating that microcode may be incorrect.

I may have to try the pre-build executables or try lazarus later on.

Perhaps the Delphi version can be fixed/made compatible with the examples.

When I click on about box in Delphi version it says:

Escape 1.1.6

So it does seem to be a recent version and the same version as example material was written for:


Not sure what to make if this little error for now :)

The GUI does look somewhat interesting.

I find the project itself as an introduction to micro architecture a bit weird though.

It's very much wired and such.

I would have preferred a general/abstract introduction first and then only later a wired like approach as this.

But this is very cool though.

Don't know yet exactly how it works or how "hardcore" it is =D

But it may be of some use some day to understand micro architecture better ! ;) =D

I guess this was some kind of school/college/university material to teach people how to design real chips.

Because for just understanding the software side of it, it would be a bit too much overkill ? to much down to the wire ?

For actually hardware/chip design it seems to be just fine ! ;) Though those are also programmed in software but ofcourse timing and wires come into play with that as well I would imagine ! ;)


P.S.: I am to busy leveling up in world of warships nowadays ! LOL :) But when the day comes I am done with that... who knows... I might dive into this project a little bit more lol :)
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