On Tue, 10 May 2016, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2016-05-10 03:17, Mazo Winst wrote:
1 - So, is there a way to set the codepage to be used by the String type
regardless of the platform?

Yes, apparently via SetMultiByteConversionCodePage(). I still need to
check the documentation to find out more details. I think this is what
Lazarus is doing for the LCL+FPC3.x too.

2 - If question 1 is true, what are the implications for the RTL? We can
expect some unexpected behavior when doing that?

No idea. As far as I understand pretty much nothing has been done to the
RTL regarding text encodings, so I wouldn't expect too much.

Why do you say that ?

What would you expect to be done ?

3 - If question 1 is true, what are the recommended way to do that?

Another good question. I would guess it must be called as soon as
possible in your application and can't change afterwards. But that's
just a guess.

4 - What should we do when we find flaws in the documentation? Should we
report to Michael Van Caneyt here on the list?

I would suggest to always report any issues on Mantis. That way they are
not lost or forgotten. Also, I believe Documentation bugs reported in
Mantis are automatically assigned to Michael.

That is correct. Usually I fix bugs in the documentation quite quickly.
Documentation is recompiled only when a new version of the compiler is
released, so changes may not be visible at once.

However, starting with version 3.0.0, I have set up the beginning of versioning of the on-line documentation, much like it is in Postgres.

It allows me to start publishing documentation for trunk.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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