Graeme Geldenhuys wrote on Tue, 10 May 2016:

On 2016-05-10 09:40, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> No idea. As far as I understand pretty much nothing has been done to the
> RTL regarding text encodings, so I wouldn't expect too much.
Why do you say that ?

What would you expect to be done ?

By that I meant a lot in the RTL is still missing regarding support for
various string types, overloaded methods, Delphi compatibility etc.

Just try and compile the tiOPF’s “tiopf3” branch with FPC 3.x and see
the amount of compiler errors.

That is a non sequitur. The original question was about what happens if you change default code page of ansistrings. The absence of a Delphi2009+-compatible RTL, or the need to add {$mode delphiunicode} to compile code written for Delphi2009+, is completely unrelated to that. Please stop conflating everything in order to what comes across as attempts to merely voice the same complaints over and over again in every new email you send.

As to the original question: most RTL routines don't care about what the default code page is of ansistrings. Of the ones that do, most have been adapted to deal with changing the default ansistring code page ( ). There is one notable set of exceptions that is not adapted in 3.0 (and incompletely in current trunk): SysUtils.ExecuteProcess() and related the TProcess() class.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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