Thanks, Doug.  

I am continuing to mull over the idea that the structure comes from the 
problems, not from the simulations that solve them. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Douglas Roberts 
To:;The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee 
Sent: 1/4/2009 11:16:21 AM 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Classification of ABM's

I'm afraid taxonomy, mentally encapsulated or otherwise, has little to do with 
the way I develop an ABM, Nick.  Rather, good software engineering practices 
provide the tools for success.  CMMI provides a reasonable software engineering 
methodology that emphasizes feedback between the following project phases.  
CMMI is a good replacement of the old, rigid "Waterfall" SW engineering 
approach. Not that i am a huge fan of rigid, formal SW engineering approaches, 
but CMMI at least encourages feedback between the following standard SW project 
engineering stages:

Develop a requirements doc that states what the problem is, and what the 
simulation will be required to produce for results. 
Develop a design.  An ABM design, if the the requirements describe real-world 
entities that interact with each other in meaningful ways.  The ABM modeling 
approach naturally covers many real world application areas (duh, the universe 
is populated with enteracting enties, duh), but not all systems are best suted 
to ABM appproaches for one reason or another.

Select an implementation environment, unless it was specified in the 

The "magic" involved with being able to develop a successful ABM, or any other 
kind of simulation derives from the ability to develop a realistic requirements 
document, followed by appropriately defining the correct levels of abstraction 
between the real-world entities to be modeled, and their corresponding 
simulation agents.

Extracting a realistic requirements definition from the client, or as it 
frequently turns out, helping the client develop one is the most important 
phase of any SW project.  If you allow a fuzzy, ill-defined, vague, 
contridictory requirements definition to stand, the project will fail.


Nicholas S. Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology, 
Clark University (
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