Steve Smith wrote at 07/16/2013 10:10 AM:
> Exhibit A, One Glen Ropella who can't (by his own declaration) seem to get
> through Social Ettiquete 101 in the OldSkool of hard knocking around.   What
> is that about?   It is certainly not (or not obvious to me) about careful
> evaluation of consequence trees...   It looks a lot like the adherence to an
> ideal (and/or aspect of self-image?).

Actually, it is purposeful, but not ideological, on my part.  My
unwillingness/inability to learn social grace has little to do with ideals and
more to do with practice.  I simply get along better with people who don't care
about social grace.

It took me a _long_ time to learn that.  I swapped in and out various ideologies
trying to find one that fit the data I had in hand.  None fit.  The best I can
come up with is laziness on my part.  If laziness is an ideology, then yeah, you
got me. ;-)

> Do you deny that people (egos) operate strongly on maintaining the integrity 
> of
> their feedback loop of their self-image?  Some people do this by soliciting
> reinforcing feedback from others.  Some do it by talking out loud to 
> themselves
> a lot (like I do here, pretending I'm talking to the rest of you).  And some 
> do
> it by picking an idealized spot (or set of spots) on the idealism horizon and
> keeping their compass trained on them as they navigate the heavy weather of
> modern life.  Or all three?

No, I don't deny that people (organisms, even) are strongly driven by a
homeostatic self.  I just deny that it is solely or mostly in the _mind_.  I
believe people (like other organisms) have a huge number of feed forward and
feedback loops that constitute their self.  The overwhelming majority of them
are physiological.  E.g. it's much much easier to change a person (change their
self) using chemicals and physical stimulus than it is using words.

⇒⇐ glen e. p. ropella
There is a velvet room for the discriminating pack.

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