On Jun 24, 2010, at 10:00 PM, Romain Tournier wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 08:42:12PM +0200, Benjamin BILLON wrote:
>> Ok, je spoile un peu, mais il y a bien des âmes innocentes qui ne sont 
>> pas au PaNAP et qui ne seront pas là demain non plus ...
> sympa le sous entendu "préparez vos chéquiers".
Ah ? Ou ca ?

C'est tout comme l'article du peering Google -  FT sur Pc-Inpact.

>>> Dear members,
>>> The market of French Internet Exchange Points is very fragmented and 
>>> not enough attractive for the major international internet actors, 
>>> Bouygues Telecom believes in the importance of having an Internet 
>>> Exchange Point in France like the english or dutch model.
>>> In those conditions, Bouygues Telecom supports the initiative of 
>>> France-IX by merging with them.
>>> Bouygues Telecom and France-IX will assist you to migrate to the new 
>>> infrastructure of France-IX.
>>> France-IX, because of its dedicated team and its associative nature, 
>>> will deliver a high quality of service to its members and will become 
>>> the main Internet Exchange Point in France.
>>> The modalities and timing of this operation are still being defined.
>>> However, as long as the PANAP is living, Bouygues Telecom will operate it.
>>> This announcement will be made at  the FRnOG of June 25th.
>>> Regards,
>>> the PaNAP Team
>> -- 
>> Benjamin BILLON
>> -- -- -- -- -- --
>> Splio eMarketing Services
> -- 
> Romain
> ---------------------------
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> http://www.frnog.org/

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