Hi all,

I just committed a whole bunch of (mostly) XML source files to CVS.
These new files are in the 'doc' subdirectory & are configure to output
an fvwm.1 man page & a plethora of HTML files - all from the same (XML)

If you do not want to produce this documentation please use:

./configure --disable-htmldoc

Once it is built, you should be able to point your browser to:


(Change "/usr/local" if you use ./configure --prefix="...".)

For developers, the XML source files supersede the old fvwm man page.
Please make any documentation changes here & NOT in the fvwm/fvwm.1.in

If you are editing the documentation for an FVWM command, you will
find an XML file relating to that command in the doc/command/ directory.
Any other documentation changes (eg. general description) will most
likely need to be made in the doc/fvwm directory.

The XML syntax is intuitive - a cursory inspection of a few XML
files should suffice to allow even a novice user to make their changes.
However, there are a few idiosyncrasies worth pointing out:

* Use <fvwmref cmd="Command"> when referring to an FVWM command. eg:

  <fvwmref cmd="Style"/>

  This will create a link to the Style command (in HTML output).
  Caveat: don't use <fvwmref> to reference commands that are actually
  being described. ie. In the Style.xml file, you won't see any
  <fvwmref>s to the Style command.
* Use, <fvwmref cmd="Command" opt="Option"> when _referring_ to an FVWM
  command option. eg:

  <fvwmref cmd="Style" opt="Font>

  This will create a link to the Font option of the Style command.
* Use, <fvwmopt cmd="Command" opt="Option"> when _describing_ an
  option to a command. eg:

    <fvwmopt cmd="Style" opt="Font">
  This will highlight the option name & allow the option to be
  referenced elsewhere.
* Use <htmlonly> when you only want the text to appear in HTML output.
* Use <manonly> when you only want the text to appear in man-page output.

Scott. :)

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