Dominik Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> We're not talking about source but documentation.  In my eyes
> having split pages is the one "feature" in html docs that makes it
> completely unusable:  you can not browse or search it in a
> sensible way.  And it's hell to read.  A single page with intra-
> document links is much more usable.

I thought the separate files were great.
Couldn't all the separate files be used to generate one
big document?  There does seem to be a pretty good index.

I envision a time when the documentation is part of the source.
During the build the documentation is extracted from the source
and then built into the man page(s) and the html and other forms.

(I'd also like to see the test cases in the source.)

> In any case, we're talking about Unix, not windoze.

I didn't know Windows had a documentation system.
I thought they gave up on CHM files.

> It can't be
> *this* hard to make a script that extracts the individual files
> with the command documentation from one big master source file to
> generate the html docs.

I think that could be done but I don't see the advantage.

Dan Espen                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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