Hi Shaun,

Well, not knowing anything about the conversation in question it is
hard to comment on it, but a lot of people have unrealistic
expectations. Especially, if it is their first time beta testing and
have little to no actual skills with software development. Some
people, for whatever reason, are just flat out jerks.

Whatever the reason for the criticism though the best solution is
communication. I am not just talking about the end users making the
criticisms against a product. It is a two way street and it is
certainly helpful if the developer can explain why some suggestion
won't work, is unrealistic, and takes time to address criticisms and
objections as best he or she can. Some developers though don't want to
do that so ignore the criticisms or fail to respond making the problem
that much worse by their silence.


On 3/10/14, shaun everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah I agree with you there, someone over skype to one of the devs of
> the group I work with or at least one of them went nuts at him
> probably because he expected far to much.

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