On Fri, 7 Mar 2014, shaun everiss wrote:
I say this to be telling everyone my opinion.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, as the popular saying goes. What follows are some of my own.

And I am trying to be as nice as I can.

I think this needs work. JMO. :)

To be honest I do not agree that its all bad.
True expect a bit of bad press everyone should expect some everyone has their critics. If you are getting to much then somewhere along the line you have an issue, now I realise it may not be that obvious but still to say there is to much bad comments is really not correct.

Regardless of whether this community suffers from groupthink or fragmentation, this is not the conclusion I would make. We got more useful, constructive feedback (both positive and negative) as well as community contributions from our own lists, all while we were being flamed to death here.

I realise you may need to waid through a bit but thats life.

I'd much rather cater to the users that were open to our design philosophy. We already knew we weren't going to be favoured by some here, but that was fine by us -- some of the choices we made were necessary evils and we felt that we'd be getting a lot more by improving what we had. Which we did, and I think it paid off. Others disagree, of course, and that's fine too.

What is not fine is reading lots of email from people who were unwilling to even _try_ to understand what was going on, but instead bashed the game purely because it did not meet their immediate expectations. Far from being as objective as possible, many simply complained that the game did not work in exactly the way that they thought an audio game should. Rather than try to accommodate the way that the game worked and understand how it could be enjoyed -- and I recognise that this was quite difficult -- they simply condemned it in its entirety.

To be honest, in some ways I fear that new up-and-coming developers will find this forum before they develop their game, or will be so absolutely discouraged by some of the behaviour here, that I hope that they finish their games before they find this and similar venues to announce it in. I completely understand that people have expectations based on past, well-developed games, and we should certainly not put up with anything that is less than perfect simply because it is trivial to exploit our disability, but frankly there is an abundance of unreasonable, ungrateful people in the community who simply will not acknowledge anything that they do not immediately approve of, and instead generalise the developers and their games as crap. This is a great shame, since it perpetuates a stereotype about entitlement among the blind, as well as hurting our chances of more mainstream advancement.

If its broke I have not been affraid to say it and where it is and what may be wrong.

Absolutely, and it pays to do that. Devs want to know how things can be better, and why. This is important. However, you must show some respect for the developer; it isn't all about you. Ask for features, and do not demand them. Likewise, a good dev will listen and not fail to acknowledge the facts.

All I am saying as devs and users need to have some flexability with this sort of thing.

Well, yes. Sadly it doesn't quite seem to work like that with some in this community. :(

I agree, flaming for no reason but to get noticed is really bad form however at the same time saying everything is fine because you are to scared to actually say it isn't is not good.

Flaming to get attention is generally trolling of one kind or another and can generally be spotted easily.

There is no need to be scared of the developer if all you intend to give is constructive criticism. Even if the dev is in good standing, politely pointing out any flaws is nothing to be ashamed of. Perhaps you should think twice before making controversial statements, though.

I strongly feel that more people need to say what is not good rather than saying its all fine and expecting it to be fine when its not.

Well, depends on what you mean by "What is not good". If meaningless attacks on the dev and games is what you mean, then no, I think we can have less of that, thankyouverymuch. Otherwise, agreed.


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