Slagging on a customer for finding too many crash bugs is also another way to become very unpopular.
At 02:48 PM 3/10/2014, you wrote:
No need to get bent out of shape. Tom's post I thought was quite reasonable and accurate.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-----Original Message----- From: shaun everiss
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 9:19 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Ok, Ok!
Enough is enough.
I wasn't going to chime in because of the reasons below.
However enough is enough.
No one has pushed this and yes I expect to get a backlash from here
but it needs to be said.
With my testing groups I have never sugar coated things.
If something is really bad I have said so.
To be honest while there are a few trolls on this list forums etc and
there will always be some, I strongly feel that when you are a
dev  you need to expect and deal with a bunch of flack from your users.
If your stuff sucks I'd like to know so I can fix it.
I don't want people to say how good it is then I find later its total
crap and guess what I can't fix it because its to hard to do so.
I do agree we learned a lot from james north's mistake.
Preordering is fine but if you don't have something close to
finnishing then well.
The sighted  preorder stuff munths in advance at least 6 months in
advance sometimes but still a few years is a bit much to wait.
Releasing something before you actually plan to release it without
allowing yourself headroom is not a good idea either.
And thats where the line must be.
Now I know some won't like me because of this but I strongly feel it
needs to be said.
I never brought james stuff because I honestly never got round to it.
I did support the general user base though my experience was not as
it is now I'll give you that.
Its my opinion that though maybe not meaning to supporters of some
devs decide to adjust the story to suit their god like devs.
I realise that all the james north stuff never happened on the lists
in fact I know a lot of it wasn't.
I just remember things went weird towards the end.
And before I am flamed off the list, I understand all sides.
I know about the stresses of actually designing stuff for games now
and also what the user expects and what its like.
I say this to be telling everyone my opinion.
And I am trying to be as nice as I can.
To be honest I do not agree that its all bad.
True expect a bit of bad press everyone should expect some everyone
has their critics.
If you are getting to much then somewhere along the line you have an
issue, now I realise it may not be that obvious but still to say
there is to much bad comments is really not correct.
I realise you may need to waid through a bit but thats life.
There I've said my piece, take it or leave it.
I can't force you to believe anything however in the short time  I
have done design and testing I have always said how it is.
If its broke I have not been affraid to say it and where it is and
what may be wrong.
All I am saying as devs and users need to have some flexability with
this sort of thing.
I agree, flaming for no reason but to get noticed is really bad form
however at the  same time saying everything is fine because you are
to scared to actually say it isn't is not good.
I strongly feel that more people need to say what is not good rather
than saying its all fine and expecting it to be fine when its not.
This is now I feel.
I will not argue with you on this, I have a good idea what some of
the people on here will think of my opinion and thats fine I don't
expect everyone to think as I do.
I only put this out as an alternate opinion only.

At 03:26 PM 3/7/2014, you wrote:
I personally won't be holding my breath. LOL.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-----Original Message----- From: Charles Rivard
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 7:22 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

I don't think you could have said it any better, and I hope every list
member reads this and, more importantly, remembers it.  It should have been
learned when James North left the scene, but the lesson still did not hit a
lot of homes.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,
you! really! are! finished!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Shaun,

True enough. I think a lot of developers choose not to say anything
unless they have something of substance to say because a lot of us
have gotten sick of negative feedback from this and other accessible
gaming communities. The minute a developer announces he or she has
something in the works right away people want to know when it will be
released, will want constant updates on how it is going, and if a
developer fails to deliver a game by the expected date then they can
expect a lot of grief from the community wanting to know why it wasn't
released on such and such a day.

Point being if gamers are worried that developers are not developing
games, not making announcements, etc they really have themselves to
blame. there are developers like myself who are working on stuff when
they can, but we do not want to make any big announcements as we know
the general reaction from the community will ultimately come back to
bite us on the butt.


On 3/6/14, shaun everiss <> wrote:
There are a lot more things on the forum to.
I also know for a fact because I am on the teams that mtg, ks and
reality gaming have games out.
In fact reality gaming have just gone live with their snow boarding beta.
And this morning I did some sound work for at least 2 upcoming titles
and set up a submition file for sounds for other uses, so things are
So in general things are moving its just no one tells anyone unless
there is something to release.

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