wow julie! thanks for the info. Actually my gecko is a fimbriatus and yes she is wild caught. Would all the things you reccomended for the henkeli still apply?
  I would defenetly go to the conservatory. But I can't go until next week. I'm exited just to see the place, I've never even heard of it before. Plus I get to go on a scavenger hunt for cool herps.
 As for Niel, He is the reason I decided to learn more about gex, esp. leaf tails. His article in Reptile Magazine was awesome. Thanks Niel. But reading more about the Phant. I figured a less difficult leaf tail would be good to start with and I didn't see anything about fimbriatus being too dificult, what would you say is the fimbriatus rating on the scale of difficulty. Now I wish I had found out about the listserve before purchasing a gecko.

Julie Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That's right Ron, I am not far, and love to have GGA members visit.
Welcome Garrett! Are you willing to check for geckos in the
Conservatory? That would be great if you could (see my other post).
Back to your gecko - you have U. henkeli? Very sturdy Uros. Most of us
are using tube-type full spectrum lights (emitting UVA and UVB) with
them and I for one have been using low D3 ratio vitamins for them. These
guys have very specific needs, husbandry and set-up. Neil Meister has
been working with one of our resident vitamin experts, veterinarian Dr.
Susan Donoghue, on getting a good vitamin supplement for these guys.
Neil, what did you end up with? Was it the same for all of your Uros?

As for U. phantasticus, I would put them at about a 9 or 10 out of 10 on
the scale of difficulty. They are not easy gex - they are a good gecko
to w ork with once you have a good CB source for them like Neil, and some
experience with the easier Uros under your belt. I have had really bad
luck with WC U. phantasticus and U. ebenaui. Also WC U. sikorae for that
matter! The first step you can take with your U. henkeli, which I bet is
WC, is to get a fecal done and start working on his parasite load. You
are lucky to have a ton of good non-domestic vets in the Bay area!

Julie Bergman
GGA lifetime member


> Welcome aboard! San Francisco is one of the best gecko towns. Lot's of
>cool gecko people there. You're not to far from Julie, she's in Davis. I think
>it's about an hour east of you.
>Global Gecko Association
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