On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 01:49:43PM +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi,
> Am Do den 10. Mär 2016 um 11:27 schrieb DrSlony:
> > I propose:
> > 1. That Geeqie create a new identity for itself, that it ceases to 
> > identify itself as "Image viewer forked from GQView" because that's 
> > ancient history, people don't remember what GQView is, and Geeqie is 
> > better than GQView. It can of course be mentioned in some "about" 
> > section but it does not help attract people who are browsing the web 
> > looking for a good image viewer.
> Fine for me.
> But I think, today most users get the image viewer from the distribution
> instead of compiling it themself. So, yes, the page should be more fancy
> but not focusing on the casual user to compile themself.
> > 2. To help make you a new website. The idea is to keep it simple, neat 
> > and modern. No CMS. Static generation using modern tools. Could you 
> > provide some info on the server? Is it shared hosting or VPS? Do you 
> > have shell access? Does the hosting company speak English?
> Well, the server is mine. (particular it is a rent server) Currently it
> run on Debian Jessie without systemd.
> I have everything what need to be on the server except PHP that I refuse
> to install.
> I prefer static stuff but have no problem to put dynamic stuff there.
> > 3. You lack a place where users can interact without having to sell a 
> > kidney (mailing lists...).
> Well, here I don't agree. What is so bad with registering on a mailing
> list? Even without registering, you can mail to it although, from the
> fact that it is on sourceforge, nobody is seing that mails. But the
> concept of a mailing list allows that.

I stongly prefer mailinglist to "forums" or other web crap.
Anything that makes me use the mouse gets annoyance points ;-)

> > 4. I do suggest you reconsider using GitHub, even though gitweb is 
> > working for you.
> Well, github has some major disadvantages:
> - - It is closed source
> - - It does not play well with a own domain

... but, github pages ...

> - - It needs you to switch on javascript, cookies, some cross-domain-stuff
>   and more insecure technologies.
> - - It needs a separate account (one more (Oh, I have one but don't like
>   it))

I still invited you into the just created Github "organisation"
BestImageViewer, and you accepted ;-)

I also invited zas.
Feel free to invite more devs,
you should be able to.

> - - It is a pain in the ass to use. It takes me always ages to find a
>   functionality like bugtracker or how to merge pull requests or even
>   how to fork

If you agree to use it,
git clone git://github.com/BestImageViewer/geeqie

push url is: g...@github.com:BestImageViewer/geeqie.git

Issue and pull request comments work good enough via email.  Both issues
and pull requests can be dealt with via git command line as well.

> Some of them are my personal view. But I don't want to pressure others
> to use something that I do not like.

I mostly feel the same,
but working with various projects I learned that you can perfectly use
github without even interacting with its web frontend most of the time.
Though I still need some time to remember the cheat sheet ;)

> I will not be a complete show stopper for Github. But currently I seem
> to be the only active developer and I vote strongly against it.
> And I know that past devs also did. We agreed to not go to github.

Oh. In that case, apologies for jumping the gun there.
If it is ok for you, I'd drive it as strict mirror repo for now.

> Further more I do not want to migrate to yet another place in the web.
> After Gitorious disaster, I think, Geeqie should settle down on one uniq
> place for now. That is the reason why I purchased and contributed the
> domain.

See above, "github pages."
You retain full control over your domain name.
People would still go to the name geeqie.org,
but the content would be hosted on github,
as long as the DNS points there.

BTW, I did not realize the web page was already part of the geeqie repo.
Even better.


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