> champion |ˈCHampēən| noun
> 1 a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition,
> esp. in sports:
> 2 a person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else:
> The correct usage is of course definition #2

What is the cause he actually fights/argues for? New folks are
speaking to the general list on their own.

The arguments I heard for a "Champion" were "understanding the initial
process" or "passing the process hurdles". In addition to "somebody
from the ASF need to show interest".

(mĕn'tôr', -tər)
1) A wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
2) Mentor Greek Mythology. Odysseus's trusted counselor, in whose
guise Athena became the guardian and teacher of Telemachus.

#1 applies. the projects I have seen needed counseling, not somebody
who fight for their case.
If you can find a first mentor, you can prove that somebody has an interest.

>> I have read what others think (helping with the process, probably help
>> with the proposal) but I still fail to see why we need another term
>> for it. Less is beautiful.
> Beautiful is in the eye of the beholder. Less is definitely not always
> beautiful. See for example [1]: less classes.

I agree here.

> Identifying and correctly naming roles is very important—especially in
> an environment as the incubator.

Thats exact. Thats why I doubt the sense of a Champion.
It is already confusing and a hard entry barrier to find a "Champion".
Where can you find one? Why do I need it? Can I ask on the
mailinglist? Then I need to outline my idea, which is going pretty
near to have a draft proposal (actually I have heard people say
something like that).

It would be easier if every potential podling must fill the Proposal
form and ask for an initial mentor on the incubator list, once
completed. It is only one form and one e-mail. I still can't see why a
Champion is necessary.

Anyway, cheers

> Martijn
> [1] 
> https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/blog/2011/one-base-class-to-rule-them-all
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