On Dec 28, 2009, at 3:51 PM, patrick o'leary wrote:

> So Grant here's the deal behind the name.
> Cartesian because it's a simple x.y coordinate system
> Tier because there are multiple tiers, levels of resolution.
> If you look at it closer:
> - To programmers there's a quadtree implementation
> - To web users who use maps these are grids / tiles.
> - To GIS experts this is a form of multi-resolution raster-ing.
> - To astrophysicists these are tiers.
> - To the MS folks I've talked to they have quad something or other.
> - To math folks Cartesian levels makes sense.
> Can't make all the people happy all the time,

Right, but as far as I can tell (and I've only done, say an hour of research), 
I can't find anyone who calls them Cartesian Tiers other than us.

Personally, I think web users are the largest group (after all, aren't we all 
web users?) out there and therefore will be the most familiar with either grid 
or tile.  FWIW, I have tentatively called the Solr FieldType to support this 
"SpatialTileField" as in it represents a tile in the spatial sense.  I'd be 
fine with SpatialGridField as well (GridField seems a bit too generic).

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