Oh, a couple more questions.

On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 13:24:32 -0700, "Mike Doty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> All-
> We're going to change the -dev mailing list from completely open to where
> only
> devs can post

What about arch testers?

> but any dev could moderate a non-dev post.

This is bad, for two reasons.

1. It doesn't put responsibility for moderating messages in a timely
fashion on anyone.  Devs will want to hack, not moderate, and I worry
that messages would get ignored.
2. It doesn't set a clear standard for what is acceptable or not.  Some
devs might moderate in questions/suggestions from non-devs willingly,
while others might decide that they're getting in the way and moderate
them out.

> devs who moderate in bad posts will be subject to moderation themselves.

What about devs who moderate *out good* posts?  Do you have a way to
make sure devs aren't trashing messages that others might find useful? 
I could see situations where a user or dev-to-be makes a suggestion or
comment that is badly written, or not feasible in the dev's mind, or
"wrong" to them in some other way, and the dev trashes it, figuring it's
irrelevant to everyone.

> gentoo-project list will be created to take over what -dev frequently
> becomes.

Is there an official definition of the split between the two?  Is -dev
basically going to be core Gentoo devs collaborating on internal things
that require coordination, and -project going to be where various
projects get implemented?

> This will probably remove the need for -core(everything gets leaked out
> anyway) but that's a path to cross later.

I'd cross it sooner, rather than later, because without moving -core's
traffic to -dev, it will look like you're just excluding non-devs for no
reason.  If -dev becomes a place where devs truly need an uninterrupted
place to discuss things, then you could fairly say that the devs need
the moderation to work efficiently.

Thanks again,

Thomas Tuttle
Thomas Tuttle - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ttuttle.net/

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