Awesome, thanks for all your hard work.


On 9/26/07, Robin H. Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I went and processed a bunch of pending Bugzilla bugs, and thought folk
> might be interested in the changes.
> - "Bug Reporting Guide" is now linked from the front page as well as the
>   "Choose Product" page (during bug creation). [Bug #188687]
> - The "Log In" link in the footer should take you back to the same page
>   that you were on (please file a bug for bugzilla@ if it messes up).
>   [Bug #188690]
> - SH, m68k, BSD in the 'Add Arches' Box. [Bug #178698, #178855]
> - Favicon fixups. [Bug #184565]
> - After changing a bug, the default behavior is now showing the updated
>   bug, not jumping to the next bug in your last list. If you don't like
>   this, you should change your own prefs.  [Bug #171988].
> - "Do not reply" note at the top of bugmail, and a related Reply-To
>   header. [Bug #181172]
> - 'emerge info' => 'emerge --info' [Bug #173059]
> - During guided bug submit, users are asked to include the full package
>   atom in the summary line. [Bug #165976]
> - Fix javascript bug with content-type selection during attachment of a
>   file and using the drop-down box. [Bug #172513].
> - Do not display the banner for text-mode browsers. [Bug #78670]
> - Dupe box height in strict browsers fixed. [Bug #173158]
> - Use site-specific link color instead of browser-provided, for
>   visibility when browser default is too light. [Bug #185760]
> - All internal links should stay on the HTTPS if you go there, and not
>   take you off the HTTPS site. [No Bug#].
> --
> Robin Hugh Johnson
> Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
> E-Mail     : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> GnuPG FP   : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED  F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85
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