Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis wrote:
> Python 2.4 is deprecated. There are plans to mask for removal it when
> remaining packages incompatible with Python 2.5 are fixed.
> (We will announce masking of Python 2.4 at least 1 month before masking it.)
> Please don't add new packages to the tree which work only with Python 2.4.
> If you want to add a package which depends on a Python module, which had been
> maintained separately in the past, but has been also included in Python 2.5,
> then don't add this Python module to the tree only for use with Python 2.4,
> but instead depend on Python >=2.5.

Where's the CC and Reply-To to gentoo-dev? Does removing python 2.4 have
any effect on the upgrade path for old installations?


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