On 3.3.2010 11.23, Nirbheek Chauhan wrote:
> 2010/3/3 Tomáš Chvátal <scarab...@gentoo.org>:
>>>> Removing eclass functions like this is not allowed by current policy. If
>>>> you want to do it, you should discuss about changing policy.
>>> ?!
>>> since when?
>> Since ever.
>> If you change eclass abi you need to rename it.
> I think you can *add* functions and variables to eclasses, you can
> change *how* a function works internally, you can *fix* problems with
> functions (which would technically result in a change in API). I don't
> think it has ever been as strict as, say, the kernel ABI interface.

Yes, eclasses go along the same lines as shared libraries, which is
probably what Tomáš meant any way.


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