On 17/12/12 06:02, Ian Stakenvicius wrote:
Hash: SHA256

On 16/12/12 09:55 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 10:35:44PM -0500, Richard Yao wrote:
On 12/15/2012 10:03 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 07:10:22PM -0500, Richard Yao wrote:
On 12/15/2012 06:02 PM, William Hubbs wrote:

what are the specific choices I made in udev that are
distro choices vs upstream choices. People have said to me
a couple of times that there were choices I made that are
not upstream choices. If there is something I can undo in
udev to make it easier for us I will do that; I'm just not
clear on what that is.


Many people would like sys-fs/udev to use the old paths in /
instead of /usr. That is the single biggest complaint people
seem to have.

If you mean adjusting the ./configure options I can look into


If adjust the configure options, things will go back into /, but
rules and helpers installed into in /usr/lib/udev would no longer
be read. You will need a small patch to fix that. You should be
able to port the following patch from eudev to fix that:


It is similar to the existing patches that are used to look in /.

Actually that brings up the question of whether we want to keep
/usr/lib/udev/* at all. That was introduced because of the choice
I originally made, so if we undo that choice, we can forget about
reading from there since our ebuilds have been ported to use the
udev eclass to figure out where to install that information right?


All ebuilds that will install anything into /usr/lib/udev/ use the
udev.eclass or the udev pkg-config file directly, yes.  There are
still many that install things to /lib/udev/ only (these are mainly
old ebuilds)...

As to whether or not you want to undo the /lib/udev -> /usr/lib/udev
migration, that'd be entirely up to you.  I would ask though that if
you are going to undo it, please don't stabilize a sys-fs/udev that
uses /usr/lib/udev/ as having all the stable users switch and then
switch back again is just going to be needlessly painful.


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