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On 05/01/2013 03:00 AM, Diego Elio Pettenò wrote:
> On 01/05/2013 06:29, Rick "Zero_Chaos" Farina wrote:
>> I don't mean to start a flamewar here but the test suite situation is so
>> bad with circular deps (I'm looking at you ruby herd) and random
>> failures that I only enable tests for my own packages.  Sadly it is so
>> bad that we have a FEATURES=test-fail-continue.... I can't really say
>> anything negative, that fact really says it all...
> You might not mean to but honestly, do you really think that we have
> circular deps because we like them?
> FFS I've been the biggest user of FEATURES=test, and the one who poured
> in more time to get stuff to work, so please don't effing go around
> blaming people without even having a clue about what's going on, you
> just piss me off.
I am sorry that I have offended you, but unfortunately this is what
happens when I try to enable tests:


As you can see, enabling this by default in any profile would be rather
crippling to gentoo as a whole.  I am not blaming anyone, nor do I
understand what has caused the current situation.  What I do understand
is that I am unable to run with FEATURES=test enabled by default despite
having the desire to do so.  I have the hardware to run automated test,
I have the desire to run automated tests, the only thing I don't have is
the time to sort out hundreds of circular deps in ruby.

If it helps lower the tempers, I don't bitch about things I'm not
willing to help fix.  If someone from the ruby team wants to discuss
this with me (on or off this list) I will be happy to listen to the
problem and try to find a sane solution.  Likely this will require
changes to the dep structure or portage, but these subjects interest me
very much and I feel it is well worth my time to help with this.

You have two choices:

1.) Continue to curse me and we stay where we are
2.) accept the help offered

Your call.

- -Zero
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