Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 11:46, Louis C. Candell wrote:
>> 10.) You want to now use the ever famous friend of all who break their
>>   naughty box - chroot. 
> <SNIP>
>>         * Pray to YHWH, Jesus, Satan, Allah, Buddah, Louis Candell,
>>           GNU Emacs, Jehovah, Matthew Kennedy or whomever you want to
>>           beg a blessing from for luck and exit the chroot environment
>>           and unmount partitions in reverse order of steps taken to
>>           chroot your box.
> <SNIP>
>> Remember, you can follow the above steps and try again and again if
>> at first you dont succeed. I know it's taken me a few tries on
>> certain boxes, so I dont expect you to be any different. 
> Louis,
>    On my hands and knees after praying to #6 in the list above (you!) I
> am now speaking to you from my Gentoo box that used to be broken! Thanks
> so much. The instructions were amazingly great. The only tricky step was
> when I thought there was no apparent instructions on HOW to 'exit the
> chroot environment', so I guessed I might need to do that using the word
> 'exit'! Go figure - it was so simple, and staring me in the face all the
> time! ;-)

I'm glad you're up and running :)

>    Having just fixed my box on the very first try, I think this
> qualifies for a very tall, very cold beer! If you are ever in Los Gatos,
> let me know and I'll share a couple with you. (Should you be one who
> does not imbibe, let me know your choice and we'll go for a couple of
> whatever you like!)

Heh, I don't drink alcoholic beverages :-B anymore, as I've gone 100%
clean and sober (17 months wooohooo - crossing fingers), but I will
take a very tall (or short), very hot woman (hell make it a few) if
I'm ever in your area. :p

>    Everything is working well at this point.

Cool, part of the fun of playing with Linux is breaking your box and
bringing it back with what you've learned.

Have fun breaking your box again! :D



Louis C. Candell

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