Guess I should have reread the thread--I assumed you were going for tomsrtbt
for a reason. Yeah, the liveCD will work fine for what you want. I'm on my
way out right now, so I can't go into too much detail, but my suggestion
would be to create a GRUB boot floppy (instructions on this are available but that's for making
a netboot image; ignore the part about tulip and just do listing 2.4). Make
your best guesses for a grub.conf, write it to the floppy, then boot off it.
One of the nice things about GRUB is you can edit its config on the fly (use
the e key), so if you didn't get your config file right you can play around
with it. (It doesn't actually save to the disk, though..) Once you have a
working grub.conf that can boot all your OS's, you should be able to just
choose a GRUB root partition, write it to the MBR, and go. In the meantime,
you aren't messing with your HD, and so you won't be breaking anything.

> > Why not use a Gentoo LiveCD and boot from it.  It's got
> > everything you need to run a system.
> >
> >
> Brett,
>    Is the LiveCD the same things as the Stage123 install CD?
>    I suggested this possibility earlier but one responder said it wasn't
> built to do that. I booted from the Stage 123 install CD last night to
> around with this idea. My thought was I installed grub from that CD in the
> first place. It must have enough on it to make this work, if I could find
> the right set of command to give it.
>    Maybe we could come up with a document about how to use one of these
> to repair a system? I'd be up for helping on that.
> Thanks,
> Mark

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