Am 09.11.2010 05:52, schrieb Grant:
> This is OT, but you guys have proven extremely insightful over the
> years and I would love to hear what you think.
> I've been working on a particular software project for a long time.
> I'd like to hire a team of developers to take over the project, but I
> consider the code to be valuable and I'd like to keep the whole of it
> secure, even from my own developers.  I was thinking I could do this
> by using some technique to obfuscate the true intention of the code
> modules.  Maybe a recorded series of search/replaces for variable
> names which are reversed once code editing is complete?  Has any
> software been made available to aid in an endeavor like this?
> - Grant

About what programming language are we talking? For Java and Javascript,
there is a range of obfuscators available. For C/C++, I don't think it
is really necessary. Can't you simply put your stuff into a binary-only

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