>> "Theoretically, a modularized software project will be more easily
>> assembled by large teams, since no team members are creating the whole
>> system, or even need to know about the system as a whole. They can
>> focus just on the assigned smaller task."
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_programming
>> I don't mind system administration but I don't want to be a programmer
>> any more.  I'd like to hire programmers to work in the manner
>> described above.  They would each work on modules and not know about
>> the system as a whole.  How can something like this be implemented?
> Okay, so this has nothing to do with obfuscation, not trusting people,
> or protecting IP. This is normal software development.
> One would want to break a large application into manageable pieces.
> Usually, those pieces would be libraries (where the meaning of
> "library" depends on your programming language of choice: SOs, DLLs,
> JARs, etcetera). If your application is monolithic right now then you
> (and/or your developers) will have to spend some time modularizing it.
> So is your question really "how do I modularize my code"?

I'm most interested in the part about developers not knowing about the
system as a whole.  I'd like developers to work on my code, but
prevent them from selling the code or using it themselves.  I thought
a good way to accomplish this might be to modularize heavily and
change variable names.

It sounds like I'm really going against the grain here.  Is it
standard practice to hire a developer on the internet from any given
country, never meet him or her, have them fax a signed NDA, and turn
over your biggest asset to them?

- Grant

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