Brian Waters wrote:
Hi there. I recently took a few months off from Gentoo to try Ubuntu
(I heard it "just works", and that is a Good Thing) only to find that
I'd much rather be back on Gentoo again. (The fact that Ubuntu ships
with PulseAudio means that sound it basically broken out of the box,
and I'm excited for Xfce 4.8.)

It's been a few months since I've been around, and I'd like to know if
HAL has been fully deprecated yet. I'd like to avoid using it if at
all possible, since that seems to be the way of the future. So I'm
wondering what versions of udev and X server (and any other packages,
dbus maybe?) I need to unmask in order to get rid of the HAL

Thanks a lot!

- BW

I use KDE here but with KDE 4.6, hal is gone. I use xorg 1.9 and no hal there. If nothing in xfce doesn't need it, then I think it is gone. All this is on amd64. I'm in the process of updating my x86 rig so I could answer for it in a day or so. Give me a poke if you need a report. ;-)

Keep in mind, there are still a few packages that you CAN enable hal on. They are disabled here and still work fine as far as I know. I haven't burned a CD/DVD yet but k3b does see the drive and all. I would think it would work. That reminds me, I need to update some backups. o_O

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-)

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