Apparently, though unproven, at 01:59 on Thursday 03 February 2011, Dale did 
opine thusly:

> Brian Waters wrote:
> > Hi there. I recently took a few months off from Gentoo to try Ubuntu
> > (I heard it "just works", and that is a Good Thing) only to find that
> > I'd much rather be back on Gentoo again. (The fact that Ubuntu ships
> > with PulseAudio means that sound it basically broken out of the box,
> > and I'm excited for Xfce 4.8.)
> > 
> > It's been a few months since I've been around, and I'd like to know if
> > HAL has been fully deprecated yet. I'd like to avoid using it if at
> > all possible, since that seems to be the way of the future. So I'm
> > wondering what versions of udev and X server (and any other packages,
> > dbus maybe?) I need to unmask in order to get rid of the HAL
> > dependency.
> > 
> > Thanks a lot!
> > 
> > - BW
> I use KDE here but with KDE 4.6, hal is gone.  I use xorg 1.9 and no hal
> there.  If nothing in xfce doesn't need it, then I think it is gone.
> All this is on amd64.  I'm in the process of updating my x86 rig so I
> could answer for it in a day or so.  Give me a poke if you need a
> report.  ;-)
> Keep in mind, there are still a few packages that you CAN enable hal
> on.  They are disabled here and still work fine as far as I know.  I
> haven't burned a CD/DVD yet but k3b does see the drive and all.  I would
> think it would work.  That reminds me, I need to update some backups.  o_O

Everything left here is optional:

$ equery depends hal
 * These packages depend on hal:
app-cdr/k3b-2.0.2-r1 (hal ? sys-apps/hal)
app-emulation/wine-1.3.11 (hal ? sys-apps/hal)
app-misc/hal-info-20091130 (>=sys-apps/hal-0.5.10)
dev-libs/e_dbus-1.0.0 (hal ? sys-apps/hal)
media-gfx/gimp-2.6.11 (hal ? sys-apps/hal)
media-libs/libgphoto2-2.4.10 (hal ? >=sys-apps/hal-0.5)
media-tv/xbmc-10.0 (hal ? sys-apps/hal)

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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