On 12/5/2011, at 8:41pm, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> On Thursday 12 May 2011 18:06:27 Stroller wrote:
>> Could you possibly post the output of `date +"%l:%M%P"`?
>> In doing so you'd be doing me a favour.
> $ date +"%l:%M%P"
> 8:39
> That's the wall-clock time (p.m.) in my local time-zone. What Americans call 
> daylight savings time, though how they imagine any time is saved I don't know.

From `man date`:

       %l     hour ( 1..12)

       %M     minute (00..59)

       %p     locale's equivalent of either AM or PM; blank if not known

       %P     like %p, but lower case

I'd be curious to compare with the output of `date +"%r"` on your system, but 
you probably actually want to set:


in order to get the correct results.


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