Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
Am Freitag, 9. September 2011, 19:24:06 schrieb pk:
On 2011-09-09 10:53, Dale wrote:
Can I slap whoever started this?  The more I think on this, the worse it
Yes Dale, you have my permission! And while you're at it, slap him from
me too! ;-)

It _may_ be this guy that's responsible for this crap:

What a mess. udev treats all exit-codes except 0 the same.
That's so bad, I have no words for it.
Definitely not a developer I trust to do things the right way.

PS. If things go "tits up" you may want to have a look at FreeBSD (or
some other BSD). I'm quite sure they wouldn't put up with crap like
this... I know I will investigate my options at least.
Agree, FreeBSD is really a fine OS.

Best regards
Peter K
Thanks for the links,

I know one thing, BSD is secure as heck. I installed it once on a old rig and typed the password in wrong during setup. I never could get into that thing again. I had to start over. lol That is why I chose Linux in general. I want something that is secure enough that I don't have to worry about some script kiddie messing with me.

BSD is one option I will be looking into if I move from Gentoo. After all, they are fairly close maybe even a step up. Especially now.


:-)  :-)

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