On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 10:14:22 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> > This sin't a rescue partition, it's just a GRUB menu entry and a copy
> > f the ISO in /boot, so far less maintenance even than making sure a
> > USB stick stays put. Plus it is much faster to boot.  
> An interesting idea you present, Neil. So far I've been maintaining a
> small rescue system. My /boot is only 100MB so if I wanted to follow
> your idea I'd have to move and resize everything else on this MBR
> setup. I have twin spinning disks with two LVM sets in logical
> partitions, so I assume I'd have to destroy those and re-create them.
> What a lot of work!

Yes, probably too much.

> Oh, or I could sacrifice (part of) a swap partition to expand /boot
> into.

That would be easier, you could always add more swap from an LV, unless
you use it for suspend.

Neil Bothwick

the sum of all human intelligence is constant, only the number of humans

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