on 11/15/2014 06:47 PM Daniel Frey wrote the following:
On 11/14/2014 10:53 AM, Thanasis wrote:
I have an APC SC620I, which in case of power failure, it successfully
initiates a shutdown to the connected (via SMART cable) PC, but if the
mains power returns, the UPS does not recycle the power to the PC, and
consequently the PC stays off.

Regardless if the mains power returns soon after the UPS has initiated a
shutdown to the PC, shouldn't the UPS recycle the power anyway, so that
the PC comes back on as set in BIOS?

I assume that your PC shuts off thus reducing the load - and, of course,
this increases the runtime of the remaining battery so the UPS never
actually shuts down?

I don't think you can get apcupsd in any case to cycle the outlet
groups, but you can try a couple things.

First, is apcupsd even sending the signal to shutdown the UPS?

/etc/init.d/apcupsd.powerfail needs to be added to the shutdown runlevel:

`rc-update add apcupsd.powerfail shutdown`

I have even tried to run the command "/sbin/apcupsd --killpower" from a root terminal (while in default runlevel, after manually creating the file /etc/apcupsd/powerfail) and nothing happened.

At the end of the shutdown this is run and it tells the UPS to power
off. If you have multiple PCs this should be enabled on the slowest to
shutdown to make sure it doesn't kill a machine still shutting down.

Am I missing something in the configuration or the daemons that should
be running?

(Running sys-power/apcupsd-3.14.8-r2)

/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf folows:

If the above fails (if the above does indeed fail, some troubleshooting
should happen to try to figure out why it doesn't work), KILLDELAY is
the parameter you likely seek, but it is dangerous. If you set this it
will wait x seconds after a shutdown was requested and forcibly shut
down the UPS power.

However, in the even that power is restored between the UPS kill and the
time it actually turns off the mains will still not be cycled.

Why would this be so?

theoretically this window should be pretty small.


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