On 15/11/2014 16:47, Daniel Frey wrote:
If the above fails (if the above does indeed fail, some troubleshooting
should happen to try to figure out why it doesn't work), KILLDELAY is
the parameter you likely seek, but it is dangerous. If you set this it
will wait x seconds after a shutdown was requested and forcibly shut
down the UPS power.

However, in the even that power is restored between the UPS kill and the
time it actually turns off the mains will still not be cycled. But
theoretically this window should be pretty small.


it does seem as though this hits the issue - that when power fails, the ups triggers a shutdown, but the power doesn't fail hard enough to wind down the ups too, in which case the machine that is waiting for the "offbattery" event is fast asleep and misses the message. it's a shame the killpower command does nothing for you.

the only way forward that i see would be to get a small device a la raspberry pi, and have that run apcupsd on it. you can then have that device run wake on lan if it detects the power is good, and trigger remote shutdown when not.

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