On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 07:06:32PM -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

> Well, that knocks down most of the unwanted pkgs but still as you see:
>   emerge -vp emacs-w3m
>     [ebuild  N     ] virtual/emacs-24  0 KiB
>     [ebuild  N     ] virtual/w3m-0  0 KiB
>     [ebuild  N     ] app-emacs/emacs-w3m-1.4.528_pre20140213
> `virtual/emacs-24' still hanging in there
> I didn't learn enough googling to understand what having that
> virtual/emacs-24 installed would mean.
> Would it be possible headaches with emacs-25 installed outside
> portage.
> Can anyone say what that package actually does?

It doesn't really do a thing - it only serves as a placeholder for
functionality that can be provided by a number of different packages
... or in other words: There are multiple packages that could, in
theory, provide virtual/emacs-24. app-editors/emacs-24.4-r1 would be
one of them.

You have told your system by means of package.provided that you have
installed app-editors/emacs-24, so the system is validly assuming that
you have something on your system satisfying virtual/emacs-24, and
thus it shouldn't hurt to let portage install that virtual.

portage(5) has this to say: "Virtual packages (virtual/*) should not
be specified in package.provided, since virtual packages themselves do
not provide any files, and  package.provided  is intended to represent
packages that do provide files.  Depending on the type of virtual, it may
be necessary to add an entry to the virtuals file and/or add a package that
satisfies a virtual to package.provided."


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