Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> writes:

> On 12/18/2014 07:06 PM, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> After reading a few google hits of gentoo documetation about virtual
>> pkgs.  I still didn't get it.
>> In my case I'm trying to avoid problems with a self built emacs (25)
>> not done thru portage.
> What are you trying to do, just get emacs-25 installed somehow? If
> that's your goal, we have an ebuild in the emacs overlay already:

No, I alread have emacs-25 installed from bzr sources using
traditional ./configure, make, make install.

>   $ git clone git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/emacs.git
>   $ PORTDIR_OVERLAY=$(pwd)/emacs ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="**" \
>       emerge -pv1 emacs-vcs

Yes, I know about this but I seem to recall it being more trouble
using the emerge process to track developement on emacs which is
moving in almost hourly jumps.

Using the traditional way requires:

cd bzr branch
bzr pull
./configure $FLAGS
make install

And the binary is now up to date with development

What does it require if done thru emerge frequently?

I am seriously considering scrapping my bzr approach in favor of
emerge since it appears to have somewhat far reaching effects when
compiling your own tools.

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