Am Fri, 29 May 2015 19:34:03 +0300
schrieb gevisz <>:

> Firefox is compiled without any linguas set.
> NLS support disabled globally in make.conf.
> And still, while right-clicking on youtube videos
> in firefox, I get menu in one of the easten-europian
> languages. :(

This may very well be outside of the control of the browser.  I don't know for
sure how it works, but as I understand it, websites *can* determine your
location (or try to) and adapt themselves accordingly.  For example, I'm in
northern Germany and in the past I would sometimes get the dutch localisation
of youtube, and IMDB always shows me the terrible German titles of movies, even
in links in English comments.  That's just bad website design, at least in
my opinion.

Actually, after I wrote that, I decided to look in the Firefox settings, and
presto: you can set the preferred locales for websites (under the "content"
tab, or whatever it's called in English)! That fixed IMDB for me, maybe it'll
work for you?

I don't think you've answered this yet: is this the only situation where you
get the wrong locale, or does it happen in *native* applications, too?

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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