On Fri, Aug 07, 2015 at 07:41:27PM -0400, Rich Freeman wrote:
> So, I don't know if that makes you more or less worried, but nothing
> has really changed in the last year on the systemd front.  The next
> big change is likely to be virtualizing openrc so that it can be
> uninstalled, and possibly not including it in the stage3, but that
> hasn't really even been seriously discussed.  (Virtualizing it seems
> almost certain to happen (IMHO) once the blockers are fixed, removing
> it may or may not happen, and probably isn't all that important,
> though I'd argue that people running chroots or containers might not
> want an init implementation inside.)
> -- 
> Rich

The virtual already exists (virtual/service-manager). I personally have
openrc and netifrc masked and uninstalled on my machines due to my Ivory
Tower purist nature.


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