Phil Sexton schrieb:
Alexander Skwar wrote:

What script? /bin/domainname is not a script, but a binary. And it's
this binary, which sets the domainname. But as most users don't want
to run domainname manually all the time, there are ways to make
Gentoo call domainname. One of this ways is setting up /etc/conf.d/net.

Alexander Skwar

OK, it's a binary rather than a script. 'Scuse my sloppyness.

No problem.

Apparently you mean that the hostname/domainname, etc. done with the binary is gone on reboot (which I do very seldom, so I hadn't noticed)

Yes, of course. In general, no unix command modifies configuration files.
That's, in general, done with an editor.

I didn't think you had to run it manually unless you want to. Can't you call if from


Sure, but why do that? Why not use the mechanisms, that Gentoo
forsees for this?

I thought that was the purpose of that file, to run stuff you want to on bootup.

That's not how I see the file. For me, the file is there to do stuff,
for which there's no "proper" way.

Alexander Skwar
... the MYSTERIANS are in here with my CORDUROY SOAP DISH!!
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