Hilco Wijbenga wrote:
> 2008/12/26 Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>:
>> Sorry to say but I'm back.  I set up that filter and checked the spam
>> bucket on webmail today.  It had over 800 messages and some of them are
>> not spam.
> This is not an answer to your question below but I wanted to mention a
> few things that might help you (if you decide to stick with Gmail a
> bit longer).
> When you see spam in your inbox do you use "Report spam"? When you see
> valid email in your spam do you use "Not spam"? I found it learns very
> quickly what I consider spam and what not. I also tend to go through
> the spam folder whenever there's 10 or more messages there. That makes
> it easy and fast and 99% of the time it's a simple select "All" +
> "Delete forever". If you wait until there's 800 mails there you're
> bound to make mistakes and it's a big job to clean it all up.

Well, I'm on dial-up and that thing doesn't like my slow as crap
connection.  Thanks AT&T for keeping your promise on getting use DSL. 
Bit of sarcasm there in case you can't tell.  Very few things are on my
crap list but they are one and close to the top.  Anyway, using the
webmail thing is a mess.  It times oout part way through loading the
page and all that crap.  It took me a loong while to go through all that.

What I thought of doing is checking all of them then telling google none
of them is spam at all.  Over time, it should not mark anything as
spam.  Of course, that will mess up other people as well.  Sort of hate
to do that but if it means I can get my emails, then it is a option.

>>  Does anybody know of a way to disable this stupid thing?  I'm
>> about to switch email addresses if I can't do something with this
>> thing.  If you have no ideas on how to disable, what are some free email
>> servers that allow pop access?
> No idea.

Me either. 

>> I always liked Google but this sort of pisses me off.  No wonder people
>> say they sent me a card or something and I never got it.  They are in
>> the spam bucket.  Thought about marking them ALL as "not spam" and just
>> screwing their spam filter right up.  Sort of a get even thing there.  :-@
> Well, Don Quixote, I hope you'll forgive me for putting my money on
> Google anyway. ;-) :-P If you do decide to take on Google
> single-handedly ... keep a blog please, it should make for hilarious
> reading. ;-) :-)
> Cheers,
> Hilco

Well, even if I did, I would be switched by then.  If I'm not getting
the service I pay for or expect, I move on.  I may be switching ISPs
again before long too.  I like to get online when I need to not when
they think I should.  I also plan to keep my OS up to date even if it
means a 10 hour download.  If they can't handle that, I'll find someone
who can.  Already found my new ISP just waiting for word from my current
one.   They claim it is unlimited but then put limits on it.  Funny huh?

Who's Don?  I never heard of him.


:-)  :-)

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