Hilco Wijbenga wrote:
> 2008/12/26 Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>:
>> Hilco Wijbenga wrote:
>>> 2008/12/26 Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>:
> <snip/>
>> Well, I'm on dial-up and that thing doesn't like my slow as crap
>> connection.  Thanks AT&T for keeping your promise on getting use DSL.
>> Bit of sarcasm there in case you can't tell.  Very few things are on my
>> crap list but they are one and close to the top.  Anyway, using the
>> webmail thing is a mess.  It times oout part way through loading the
>> page and all that crap.  It took me a loong while to go through all that.
> Yeah, that definitely sucks. Nowadays a lot of webapps expect you to
> have your own private T3. :-) I'm not sure whether Yahoo will be much
> better though...
>> What I thought of doing is checking all of them then telling google none
>> of them is spam at all.  Over time, it should not mark anything as
>> spam.  Of course, that will mess up other people as well.  Sort of hate
>> to do that but if it means I can get my emails, then it is a option.
> I'm not really clear on how personalised it is. Not everyone agrees
> (all the time) on what is spam and what is not. It seems that it is
> somehow able to apply my personal settings to the spam filter.
> <snip/>
>>>> I always liked Google but this sort of pisses me off.  No wonder people
>>>> say they sent me a card or something and I never got it.  They are in
>>>> the spam bucket.  Thought about marking them ALL as "not spam" and just
>>>> screwing their spam filter right up.  Sort of a get even thing there.  :-@
>>> Well, Don Quixote, I hope you'll forgive me for putting my money on
>>> Google anyway. ;-) :-P If you do decide to take on Google
>>> single-handedly ... keep a blog please, it should make for hilarious
>>> reading. ;-) :-)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Hilco
>> Well, even if I did, I would be switched by then.  If I'm not getting
>> the service I pay for or expect, I move on.  I may be switching ISPs
>> again before long too.  I like to get online when I need to not when
>> they think I should.  I also plan to keep my OS up to date even if it
>> means a 10 hour download.  If they can't handle that, I'll find someone
>> who can.  Already found my new ISP just waiting for word from my current
>> one.   They claim it is unlimited but then put limits on it.  Funny huh?
> Perhaps they meant the wait is unlimited? ;-)

Well, I'm disabled so I like to surf the net a lot.  I try to get on
late at night when they are not to busy but it appears they don't care. 
Their "unlimited" thing has a lot of limits on it.  I found out that
dixie-net is local and they don't care how long I am on or how much I
download.  Says so in the terms too. 

>> Who's Don?  I never heard of him.
> I see no smiley, so I'll assume you're serious:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Quixote
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilting_at_windmills
> Cheers,
> Hilco

I didn't know who he was and still not real sure.  Sometimes those wiki
things don't make much sense to me.  Sounds like lawyer speak sometimes.  :/


:-)  :-) 

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