Mick wrote:
I'd take that as a big broad hint that it is looking somewhere else
for certificates in this release and it found default certs.

Check in your default apache (most likely) or vhosts configuration files that you have SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile paths pointing to where your certs and private key are stored. It may be that you were not very careful with etc-update and it restored default settings?
Many thanks!!!

While I remain sceptical that it was etc-update that spannered my configuration, stating the obvious to me overcame this... I've still no idea what did cause this to go wrong - but... essentially, my config was looking for /etc/ssl/apache2/server.crt, while the certificates I was checking were /etc/apache2/ssl/server.crt - and similarly for the key. I'm still a little baffled about how it appeared to work previously... but I now see what is wrong - even if I'm puzzled about how I got here...

I guess, one might ask if default certificates are a good idea - and, if they are - maybe we should ask why they don't "work". For my purposes, however... solved! Thanks again.

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