daid kahl wrote:
I could take a whole day typing in exactly what I do,
but I assumed the otherwise intelligent subscribers to the list
would realise that I add '-1' to those pkgs which are not in 'world'.
My 'world' file contains  112  entries, incl  28  'sys' +  35  'kde'.

Really, does something like that need spelling out (tries to smile) ?

It probably doesn't, but since this thread has gotten slightly hot,
I'll only insult myself here.

I forget to add 1 a lot more than I should, and as a result my world
file is probably full of pollution.  This isn't to say I don't clean
it out from time to time, but in theory people are just posting
reminders to be sure you weren't forgetting yourself -- I know I'm
guilty of it sometimes.

On that note, I'd like to ask a question I was going to post or email
about.  Can I comment the world file.  More interestingly, is there a
way to pass portage a comment to stick in world above the package?
This would be really damn useful.

For example, sometimes I'm testing things, and I really do mean to
install a package without oneshot.  But I might be installing a bunch
of things to try to get some third-party dependencies resolved, and
later I don't need all them (or I'd like to know why I put it



I think there was a time when there was no -1 option. At least I didn't use it at first. Anyway, glad to hear you are using the option correctly, most of the time anyway. ;-) You have about the same size world file as me.

Packages installed:   1205
Packages in world:    106
Packages in system:   50
Required packages:    1205

I haven't cleaned mine out in a while tho. It's possible a couple could have slipped in there.

I to would like to know if comments are permitted in the world file. The only thing is, some geek has portage putting things in alphabetical order. I'm not sure how that would work. Would portage put them all in order or would they even be able to stay with the package the comment goes with?



:-)  :-)

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