On Sun, 6 Dec 2009 11:53:41 +0900, daid kahl wrote:

> On that note, I'd like to ask a question I was going to post or email
> about.  Can I comment the world file.  More interestingly, is there a
> way to pass portage a comment to stick in world above the package?
> This would be really damn useful.
> For example, sometimes I'm testing things, and I really do mean to
> install a package without oneshot.  But I might be installing a bunch
> of things to try to get some third-party dependencies resolved, and
> later I don't need all them (or I'd like to know why I put it
> there!!).

I use sets for that. Create a file in /etc/portage/sets containing the
atom of the package(s) you want to install. You can either add comments to
this file or give it an explanatory name (or both), then emerge @setname.

I used to use --oneshot for testing, but testing something with a lot of
dependencies made --depclean useless, so I use temporary sets now.

Neil Bothwick

I am Barry Norman of the Borg - you will be assimilated - and why not?

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