Bill Ricker wrote:
> In Boston/NewEngland we've got lots of FLOSS contributors and projects
> and skunkworks projects using FLOSS to help our firms/clients, but we
> don't have the big marketing departments or big big customers. (My
> firm has major IT budget, but I spent more time at the show than
> central IT EA.) We'd have a better shot at a developers-and-geeks
> OSCON style conference here than a marketing glitz show.  Some year
> we'll get our act together and host YAPC in Boston. If that goes over
> well we could consider trying to throw a OSCON-EAST, but that would be
> a lot of work -- would need deep committee drawn from _all_ the LUGs
> and *UG's from the rest of LAMP.

I would second the above. There's enough local FLOSS talent to make
attending a technical conference worthwhile. And there's certainly
enough change in FLOSS to warrant a "get up-to-date" conference if
nothing else.

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