On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:38:24 -0400
Alex Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One thing that annoyed me is that the lawsuit was claiming "economic
> damages" and you find yourself wondering how much money could they be
> talking about when they didn't do any of the work that led to the patent
> in the first place. This would be a good situation for a court ruling
> that in effect punishes the party that brings the lawsuit for making
> false claims. The economic damages will ultimately be how much money the
> lawyers were paid to pursue the claim rather than costs of marketing a
> patented product (which they plainly haven't done).

The issue of "patent trolls" is a troubling issue because there are
companies, such as IP Innovation LLC that exist simply to enforce
patents that were filed by others. I think that it may require some
patent reform legislation to fix this. 

Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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